16 for 2016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Today is totally a holiday in my book so Happy Christmas Eve Eve! I hope you're enjoying the holiday spirit because I know I am. I can't stop listening to Christmas music and eating all the festive cookies I can find! I knew I wanted to set up goals for next year, but I didn't want to make a cliche New Year's resolution list. I decided to link up with Acorns & Lemonade and come up with 16 things I wanted to accomplish for myself in 2016. There aren't too many monetary or blog goals because most of those are on my "big picture" goal list. These "projects" will actually help me see the value in trying something new and sticking with it. Who knows? Maybe next year I'll have 17 new goals to accomplish in 2017! Want to see my list and maybe come up with your own? Keep reading!

1.  Read 2 books a month, including more self help books
2.  Take a vacation out of state (or country)
3.  Get a passport
4.  Design and sell 1 shirt (or sticker)
5.  Learn calligraphy/brush lettering
6.  Complete 2 DIYs a month
7.  Make a gallery wall
8.  Take a solo vacation
9.  Explore 1 new place in RVA a month
10.  Make a photo book
11.  Take an e-course on blogging
12.  Spend more time with my family and friends
13.  Have a piece of my art in every room of the house
14.  Take a photography class
15.  Make and use all-natural hair products
16.  Go to 1 concert or music festival

I always break up with my New Year's resolutions after a week. I'm a serial resolution heartbreaker, it's true. It's not that I don't try, but I am human and it's going to take more than a new year to get me to change my ways. That's why I'm posting my list here in the hopes that putting this out there for all to see I'll actually follow through for once. If you have any tips for making and sticking with your New Year's resolutions, please leave them in the comments below!

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