I used to love shopping: the excitement of walking into my favorite store and finding the perfect outfit was enough to make me giddy. These days if I don't find what I'm looking for within the first few minutes then I'm done and ready to go home. That's why I'm such a huge fan of clothing subscription boxes like Stitch Fix and Le Tote. They make finding the perfect outfit for any occasion so easy!
Let me start by being completely transparent: I was an affiliate for Stitch Fix meaning I would earn a small commission if anyone signed up for their service using my links. I paid for the boxes with my own money so I could give a 100% honest review. I was able to receive one Le Tote box for free, but I am still a member of the service. There are a lot of things these two services have in common such as charging a monthly membership fee, free delivery both ways, and the ability to choose when you'll receive a box. There are also many pros and cons for both so here's a quick rundown:
Stitch Fix Pros & Cons
- Brand new items- Personal "stylist" who picks items for you
- You can try on clothes in the comfort of your own home
- Keep what you want and send back items you don't want
- 25% discount if you keep all the items in your Fix
- Monthly fee is credited towards any items you buy
- Your "stylist" sends random items (You can send your stylist inspiration, but there's no guarantee you'll get what you ask for). This was my biggest issue with Stitch Fix because I would receive items that didn't feel like they were actually chosen for me.- Item sizes are guessed (so if you want to go up or down a size you'll need to send the item back and wait)
- Only a few recognizable brands
- Have to send back items within certain amount of time
My first Le Tote box. |
Le Tote Pros & Cons
- Wear/keep items as long as you want- Can add any styles to your closet and your Tote is created from your closet (meaning YOU decide what you receive)
- Brand names you can recognize (Nike, Calvin Klein, kate spade new york and more!)
- You can pick the sizes of your items
- Sale section offers members the chance to buy items up to 85% off
- Discounted prices on any styles you keep
- Items aren't brand new (they are laundered before sending)- Monthly fee not credited toward any purchases
- All sizes not available based on demand
- Membership fees are $64 (3 clothing items, 2 accessories), $74 (4 clothing items), and $84 (5 clothing items, 3 accessories)