This week was
supposed to be about blog reflection, but I've been using my Pinterest account a lot more recently so it seemed like the ideal time to write about it. Pinterest has been a huge help during my blogging time. It can be used for so many things! I mainly use it for tips and tricks to make my blog better. It can also be used for blog post ideas, to gain more exposure for your blog, or keep up with other people's blogs.
When I'm on my computer (and I actually remember to do this) I pin photos from my blog in the hopes that people will see them and click through to my blog. There's actually a lot of good that can come from this and there's quite a few pins on my
Blog Lovin' board that go into detail about doing this. My favorite is from Krystal of Perfect Enough For Us (check it out
here) in which she gives all her 'secrets' for making Pinterest work for you. I just started to use BoardBooster and I love how easy it is to schedule constant pins. I haven't been using it long enough to see any significant boost in blog traffic, but as soon as I do I'll be sure to update this post or include it in a future post.
Happy blogging!