Y'all I had no idea how fast these past 9 months would fly by. It feels like just yesterday we were telling family and friends and now our little lady is almost here! Each day that passes makes me more and more anxious to meet her. Even though there have been bad times, being pregnant has truly been a blessing and I wouldn't trade this time of my life for anything in the world. I've learned so many things during this time and I wanted to share a little bit of that wisdom with any other first time expecting moms who are a little uneasy. I love writing posts like this because I enjoy sharing my experiences with all of you. Hopefully, it will make you feel a little less alone on your pregnancy journey or you will nod your head in agreement if you have already experienced pregnancy. Continue reading for 6 things I learned during 9 months of pregnancy!
1. Stop worrying!
I wish someone had sat me down and instilled this mantra in my brain from day one. I can't tell you how many days I spent crying because I got a bad test result or I felt like I wasn't going to be able to provide for my child. At the end of the day all your baby needs is to be loved unconditionally by you. Unnecessary stress is bad for you and, in turn, bad for the baby. So relax; I promise it will all be alright!
2. Hydration is a MAJOR KEY.
This one seems like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many times I neglected my water bottle during this pregnancy. Honestly, water is the answer to most of the pregnancy aches and pains I feel. Feeling a little crampy? Drink some water. Baby hasn't moved in a while? Drink some water. Headaches, low amniotic fluid, dehydration, overheating, swelling, constipation, UTIs, hemorrhoids (you didn't think pregnancy was all glamorous did you?) - all of these issues can be solved by drinking enough water during pregnancy. I am NOT a doctor, so if you experience any of these issues please talk to your doctor about the appropriate way to treat them.
3. Watch what you eat.
I have STRUGGLED with this my entire pregnancy. In the beginning I didn't really want to eat anything so I would grab some fast food and force myself to eat it. Up until 28 weeks my diet mainly consisted of greasy combos from Taco Bell and McDonald's. Thanks to that I developed a healthy case of Gestational Diabetes. Y'all...having GD is not fun. Sure, I'm eating healthier and giving my baby all the nutrients she needs now, but I'm also checking my blood sugars 4 times a day and taking medication to regulate my morning levels. GD can have serious effects on your baby including being too large and breathing problems, not to mention that you're at risk for developing type 2 diabetes after baby is born. I'm not saying you have to completely change the way you eat, but you do have to watch what you put in your mouth or you could end up harming yourself or, worse, your little one.
4. Patience is a virtue.
This one is also a no-brainer, but I felt like my patience got worse as my pregnancy progressed. I became impatient waiting for my turn in the doctor's office, when my blood sugar levels were too high after eating a piece of fruit, when another mom was offering unwarranted advice, the list goes on and on. As someone with a Type A personality it was extremely hard for me let go of things and just take a deep breath. Learning a little patience now will definitely pay off once baby is here!
5. Don't go overboard with buying.
Babies can be expensive if you don't watch out. From cribs to rocking chairs, bibs, booties, and blankets the prices can add up quickly if you're not careful. If you want to go crazy with buying, stick with diapers and wipes; you can never have too much of either. If you're planning on having a baby shower you could go home with an overwhelming amount of items for your little one. You might have to make a couple of returns, but you will end up with more stuff than you thought you needed. Bonus tip: use registries wisely. Personally speaking, nobody really used ours and it felt like a waste of time. If your family isn't exactly "tech savvy," skip this step.
6. Enjoy every little moment.
Like I said before, 9 months really flies by and so do those little moments that make it all worth it. The first time you hear the baby's heartbeat, the little flutters in your stomach that turn into karate kicks down the line, the first time the baby's father feels the baby kick, ultrasounds - I could go on all day about the milestones I experienced and how special each one was. To make sure I would never forget this pregnancy I bought a pregnancy journal (I use the 40ish Weeks: A Pregnancy Journal) to record all the little things I knew I would want to remember forever. I highly recommend one of these if you are sentimental like me and want to look back fondly on your first pregnancy!
If you have anything to add to this list, please leave your comments below! I would love for other new moms to read them and garner experience from other mothers. Plus, it's just a fun way to get to know new people! Thanks so much for reading and I’ll catch you guys