Happy Monday, happy holidays and happy Blogmas/Vlogmas to all my fellow creatives out there! I cannot believe it's finally December, but I'm so glad the most wonderful time of the year is here because Christmas is my second favorite holiday. It's no secret that the moms in all our lives are the real MVPs of the holiday season. They basically make Christmas magical and wonderful without so much as a 'thank you.' This year I've asked a few of my fellow moms what they really wanted for Christmas this year because they deserve it and so much more! Keep reading for their wish lists and be sure to check out their blogs after!
- A solo trip to the bathroom (#1 on my own Mom Wishlist)
- To sleep longer than 2 hours at a time #tiredmama -Season at busylivingmybestlife.com
- To enjoy snacks in piece -Shanophia at themodernmomsclub.com
- To enjoy a meal while it's still hot -Kaitlen at simplemomproject.com
- To sleep in on the weekend -Darcey at aflourishingrose.com
- A cup of coffee before baby wakes up -Andie at bohoandbeck.com
- For everyone to ASK me what I want instead of assume -Jen at mykindofjen.com
- A Roomba -Kristen at artiesmom.com
- A night alone in a nice hotel with nothing but Netflix and yummy snacks! -Erin at lullabylark.com
- To swap for one day with Dad so he knows what I do all day! -Huma at humaalilove.com
- For my coffee to forever remain hot! -Lauren at theysayparenting.com
- To enjoy a movie without the play-by-play from my kids -Erin at threein3.com
- Pee-free bathroom floor and walls -Bianca at essenceofmommy.com
- A solo Target run with no time limit and venti Starbucks -Sam at moreformama.com
- A day without saying "no" 7075 times -Alexis at raisingamzylee.com
- One day "off" a week to hide away at a coffee shop without feeling guilty -Leah at lottieandme.com
- A diaper pail that takes its own bags out to the garbage can -Jess at perfect-schmerfect.com
- Someone to deep clean my house or even clean it a little! -Audrey at mommyenlightened.com
- A day when I hear "Dad!" more times than "Mom!" -Jennifer at tadpolesandmudpuddles.com
- To get through a meal without hearing "I have to go potty!" -Lensa at diaryofasmalltowndiva.com
- For my boys and husband to be excited to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie with me -Carri at joyofadventuring.com
- Appreciation for all we do!
This Christmas, we don't want big expensive baubles or trinkets under the tree (even though we wouldn't mind those at all and we totally deserve them). The holi-daze of November and December puts everybody in a yuletide haze, but moms get the worst of it. From decorating to gift buying to all of the festivities under the sun, you can bet that Mom has it all covered, trying to make the holiday season as special for her family as possible. She's Santa, Frosty, and Rudolph, so be sure to ask her what she really wants and then give it to her!
If you're a mom tell me something you really want for Christmas this year in the comments below! Find out what other Mamas are wishing for this Christmas by checking out Rachael's post What Moms Secretly Want for Christmas!