1. Not sleeping when baby sleeps
After my pregnancy all I heard from other moms, doctors, and nurses was "Sleep when the baby sleeps!" Did I listen? Nope! In my mind (and probably yours too), there's always a million other things that need to be done before I can get any rest. My to-do list is always a million miles long and it's hard for me to just take a break. I am getting better about this at night and I manage to get a couple zzz's in here and there.

2. Making decisions too soon
Before McKenna's arrival, I swore we would NEVER use a pacifier. We didn't want her getting too attached or reliant on a piece of rubber for comfort. However, after our second (difficult) night in the hospital that quickly changed. Now we have no problem giving her a pacifier when she needs soothing and we need a small break. Had I been more open to the idea of the pacifier, I could have saved myself from myself. Now I am definitely more open-minded when it comes to making decisions that will affect my child's well-being.
3. Not asking for help
In the simplest terms, I am an independent person who hates asking for help. I'd rather suffer in silence and do everything than verbally ask another human being for their assistance. Taking care of McKenna was no different. I would always jump up and attend to her, not giving my boyfriend a chance to notice anything was wrong. In the end, I realized that I can't do it all by myself and not asking for help only hurts me in the long run.
As a millennial mom I tend to Google any and all questions I might have about my baby. I should have known this was a bad idea since I did the same during my pregnancy, and managed to scare myself with every message board post or article I read. My "research" always causes me to jump to the worst conclusions about my baby. "She's only nursing for 10 minutes? My milk supply must be disappearing! She hasn't pooped in a couple hours? We should take her to the ER now!" I know now that Google isn't always your friend and that leads me into my last mistake...
5. Not trusting my instincts
I have no shame in admitting that the day we brought McKenna home I was so scared of taking care of this perfect little human that I burst out crying. My anxiety had me convinced that I had no idea what I was doing even though I had plenty of role models to mimic. I was scared of not being able to take care of her basics needs and that was a huge mistake. When a baby cries the instinctive thing to do is comfort them or change their diaper or feed them and this natural instinct was inside me all along; I just had to trust myself and just do it.
What are some mistakes you've made as a new mother (or parent)? Let me know in the comments below!