Our Fertility Story

Thursday, October 5, 2017

This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own. 
#TTCwithStorkOTC #ad I mentioned the beginning of my pregnancy journey in my "I'm Pregnant" life update post. What I didn't mention was our fertility or conception story. Conceiving wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but with a little help from Stork OTC it definitely could have been easier. Keep reading to see how Stork OTC can help with trying to get pregnant!

I mentioned the beginning of my pregnancy journey in my "I'm Pregnant" life update post. What I didn't mention was our fertility or conception story. Conceiving wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but with a little help from Stork OTC it definitely could have been easier. Keep reading to see how Stork OTC can help with trying to get pregnant!

We found out we were pregnant in December of last year at 8 weeks. I can honestly say that seeing a positive result on the pregnancy test was the hhappiest day of my life. Nobody, not even our families, knew that we had been trying and praying for months for this result. It didn't seem real first and, even to this day, it doesn't. I wouldn't say we had issues with fertility, but we were extremely blessed to even get pregnant.

I definitely have a couple ideas as to why we didn't get our BFP (big fat positive) sooner. I'm 100% certain that stress played a huge part in delaying our pregnancy. We both worked extremely stressful jobs that allowed us little to no leisure time to spend with each other. That's why I wish we had learned about the Stork OTC device sooner! This Stork is a home conception device that serves as a low cost alternative to costly fertility treatments. Stork OTC has great ratings, a 20% success rate with cervical cap insemination technique along with an affordable price of $59.99. No prescription is required to purchase it either. With Stork OTC, there's just a few  simple steps and you are on your way to getting better results that are painless. You can read more about how it works here.

The Stork OTC can be purchased for $59.99 at Target and CVS, located in the family planning section next to the ovulation test kits. It can also be purchased online at http://www.storkotc.com

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